Join us for an exclusive Q&A interview
WHEN: April 24th, 2013
1:00PM EST (10:00AM PST)
We'll keep it short for you, 20 minutes.
Please email your question to Sierra by April 22nd, and Dr. Wong will respond to as many as possible during our interview. Join us for a rare opportunity to pick the brain of one of the country's foremost healthcare culture experts on April 24th.
HOW: Conference call in info -- 1 (877) 365-2980
Participant Code: 1332 (A reminder email will be sent prior to the interview.)
There is no charge to connect to this call. Call-in space is limited.
Everyone in healthcare knows the lack of accountability negatively impacts care, and when accountability improves throughout your organization, care improves. What healthcare leaders didn't know until now, was how to improve accountability and why it is so critically linked to improving patient care. Knowing that every hospital has its own specific accountability challenges, Innovative Healthcare Speakers would like to give you the opportunity to get some of your challenges addressed.
Learn more about Brian Wong, MD
Speaking Engagements
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Heroes Need Not Apply
About the Book
Email your questions
Speaking Engagements:
Innovative Healthcare Speakers brings you the opportunity to schedule your next speaking engagement, keynote, workshop or retreat with Brian Wong, M.D., author of his soon-to-be published book by Second River Healthcare Press, Heroes Need Not Apply: How to build a patient accountable culture without putting more on your plate.
Dr. Wong's interactive speaking programs bring the book's key tools and concepts directly to his audiences, where they experience the process of taking the first steps toward having a patient accountable culture in their organizations.
As a highly respected speaker and consultant nationwide, the compelling subject matter of his soon-to-release book is leading to increased demand on the speaker/facilitator circuit. Contact Sierra Weese to book him for your upcoming meeting or event.
Innovative Healthcare Speakers is 100% dedicated to providing the healthcare industry with nationally recognized speakers who provide innovative solutions to problems, issues, trends and instabilities affecting healthcare today and tomorrow. We work with any client that is in need of a speaker to address a healthcare topic.
(406) 586-8775 8AM-5PM MST
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